Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

American journalists summoned for stealing on Joe Biden’s plane.

By knl9j Mar30,2024

According to Politico, the former correspondent for a major newspaper would have amassed a sufficient number of gold-rimmed Air Force One plates to serve supper to his guests on a single evening.

On Friday, the American news website Politico made a joke on the fact that “everyone, it seems, is pilfering on Air Force One” by sending a warning to journalists who were travelling on the plane that the president of the United States of America was using. The investigation that was conducted by Politico, which was hilarious yet detailed, began with an email that was sent to members of the White House Correspondents’ Association at the beginning of February. It has been brought to the attention of AFP that the contents of this telegram are not intended to be made public.

In response to the disappearance of items that were located in the press compartment of the most well-known and secure aeroplane in the world, the president of the distinguished association made a blunt call to order. There are thirteen journalists who accompany the President of the United States of America on his travels. They travel in the back of his Boeing to accompany him. In the course of the flight, they are provided with meals and beverages, which are always provided at the expense of the media concerned, as does the travel itself. Small bags of M&Ms candy that with the president’s signature and seal are distributed on a regular basis by the crew as souvenirs throughout the event. Additionally, it is possible to purchase glasses and various other branded goods without leaving the ship.

But this is not enough for many travellers, according to Politico, which mentions the strange clinking of plates that sometimes comes from the backpacks of journalists who depart from the aircraft. The news website claims that the former journalist for a major newspaper, who was known for his meticulous nature, would have amassed a sufficient number of gold-rimmed Air Force One plates to serve dinner to his guests on a specific evening.

As part of a secret assignment, a member of the White House staff recently met with a reporter in Lafayette Square, which is located near the statue of Andrew Jackson.

However, the gathering, which was reminiscent of House of Cards, was not organised with the intention of divulging state secrets, spreading rumours about the president, or even spreading slander about Joe Biden’s opponents. A reporter who was involved in the incident returned the item that had been handed away, which was an embroidered pillowcase from Air Force One Airlines.

It was reported by Politico that an effort was made to put a stop to the theft of branded things from the presidential plane.

According to Politico, the meeting near the Jackson monument occurred after members of the United States Air Force crew informed the White House travel office that a trip to the west coast that had finished in early February had resulted in “several [items] missing from the press cabin.”

There was a message sent out via email that read, “Hey, if you inadvertently wound up taking something off the plane by mistake, we can help facilitate a quiet return.” This message was described by at least six anonymous sources.

The journalist who took the pillowcase had “probably not done so by accident,” according to Politico. Furthermore, the item “changed hands, and that was that,” which resulted in the meeting being scheduled.

It has been reported by Politico that the press corps representing the White House has long considered Air Force One to be a source of mementos.

An unknown reporter who is currently working for the White House stated, “When I was on my very first flight, the person sitting next to me said, ‘You should take that glass.'” They were of the opinion that “everyone does it.”

Politico was informed by a number of anonymous sources that a “former White House correspondent for a major newspaper” was utilising “gold-rimmed Air Force One plates, evidently taken bit by bit over the course of some time” to hold a dinner party as part of the event.

“Reporters recalled coming down the back stairs after returning to Joint Base Andrews in the evening with the sounds of clinking glassware or porcelain plates in their backpacks,” explained the website. “The sounds were coming from the back of the stairs.”

As far back as 2012, the actor Allison Williams revealed to David Letterman that she had previously used an item that had been stolen from the plane by her father, Brian Williams, who is an anchor for NBC News, in order to secure a date with a young man.

I asked myself, “What could I possibly bring to the table to impress this guy?” and then I thought about it. As Williams stated. Furthermore, I brought him a serviette that had been stolen from Air Force One. That’s a fairly nice answer. The United States Air Force One.”

Another issue that arises at the White House is when guests attempt to assist themselves. In 2015, the Washington Post published an article titled “the reality of entertaining” in the executive mansion. The article stated that “despite the elegant setting, or maybe because of it, there is always a risk that items might disappear into visitors’ pockets, purses, and other hiding places.” To be honest, who among us does not want a keepsake or a souvenir to remind them of their experience with power?

According to the Post, “most of the pilfering is minor: plush towels embossed with the presidential seal from the washroom or cheap spoons the White House rents from a caterer for large parties.” This statement was made in reference to “small outbreaks of petty theft.” Other things, however, are more expensive, such as… Place-card holders, little silver spoons and cut-glass pieces were suspended from the sconces in the women’s lavatory.

“Some of the reporters, staff members, and lawmakers who have travelled aboard the presidential aircraft have taken everything from tumbler glasses to pillowcases” on Air Force One. “This includes everything from tumbler glasses to pillowcases.”

Politico also cited a story that has been repeated by many people about a senator who was “taking everything that was not bolted down” while sitting in the front of the plane.

The present press pack is not responsible for “a massive amount of theft,” according to a former administration official who spoke anonymously. Instead, the person stated that there is more “petty, chronic grift.”

According to Politico, the authorities are making an effort to tighten their grip on the situation. Kelly O’Donnell of NBC, who is the head of the White House Correspondents’ Association, has issued a “terse reminder” that it is forbidden to take goods from Air Force One.

Additionally, O’Donnell informed the reporters that items that were stamped with the logos of Air Force One could be purchased commercially.

An further former administration official, who wished to remain anonymous, stated that the glasses that are offered on the website of the United States Air Force are not the same as the ones that are carried on the aircraft. For the blankets, the same goes. Consequently, the ones that are on board are quite desirable.

By knl9j

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