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US: Donald Trump’s criminal trial delayed 30 days

By knl9j Mar17,2024

It is possible that this ruling will have an effect on the three other charges that the former president is currently facing, but it does provide some breathing room for Donald Trump.

Trump will be able to provide himself with a brief reprieve from the legal challenges that are now being pursued. In the issue of disguised payments to Stormy Daniels, an X-rated actress with whom he allegedly had an adulterous affair in 2006, a judge in New York postponed the date of his criminal trial on Friday, March 15. This will be the first time that a former president of the United States has ever been subjected to such a trial.

The Manhattan prosecutor, Alvin Braff, got the go-ahead for the hearings to be postponed by thirty days from the date of March 14, although they were originally scheduled to begin on March 25. On the other hand, this may not necessarily be helpful information for the former president. As a result of this postponement, the defense will have the opportunity to review any additional papers that have been submitted to the procedure. There have been around 31,000 pages of court records generated up to this point.

A representative for Donald Trump’s camp stated that they want to fight “to put an end to this bogus affair” in response to this move, which appears to have been met with disapproval from the Trump camp. The attorneys representing the real estate magnate wanted “an immediate adjournment” and calculated that “30 days would be insufficient given the volume of documents produced.”

In this particular instance, the septuagenarian is being accused of concealing the payment of $130,000 to the actress by disguising the accounts of his real estate company, which is known as the Trump Organization. This payment was made just prior to the presidential election taking place in 2016, which he ultimately won. This payment was made with the intention of ensuring that he would remain silent regarding their sexual relationship. In this particular instance, he is accused of committing 34 accounting frauds, each of which carries a potential term of up to four years in jail for the most serious of offenses.

Additionally, the defense, which had requested a postponement of the trial for a period of ninety days, is dissatisfied with the decision to postpone it for thirty days. Additionally, this would have made it possible to wait for the Supreme Court in Washington to investigate the matter of whether or not the former tenant of the White House is entitled to presidential immunity. This would have been in addition to the examination of the newly discovered documents.This decision is anticipated and has the potential to impact another trial, which is the one concerning his unlawful attempts to overturn the outcome of the election that took place in November 2020 and was won by Joe Biden. During the time that the Supreme Court deliberated on the issue of immunity on April 25, this procedure, which was scheduled to start on March 4, was put on hold. On the other hand, she will not make a choice until either June or July happens.

A further trial, followed by yet another postponement. The judge wants a properly spaced timetable due to the possibility of overlap with other cases, so the one in Florida that revolves around the presidential archives and is set to take place on May 20 should also be postponed for several months before it takes place.

Finally, in the fourth trial that Donald Trump is facing, which is taking place in Georgia, he is being accused of trying to overturn the results of the presidential election that took place in Georgia in the year 2020. The motion for relinquishment made by the prosecutor was denied by the judge on Friday, but she did insist that her staff be reorganized during the proceeding.

Concerns about a potential conflict of interest were raised as a result of the fact that the prosecutor, Fani Willis, had a close relationship with Nathan Wade, an investigator whom she had hired for the case. However, the latter offered his resignation with immediate effect when a judge sought the withdrawal of the file, either from Fani Willis or from Nathan Wade. The judge stated that the file should be withdrawn. A resignation that was accepted by the prosecutor, which makes it possible for her to maintain control over this subject. With this ruling, a barrier that had been standing in the way of the trial of Donald Trump and fourteen other co-defendants has been removed. The trial has not yet been scheduled for a date.

NEW YORK (Associated Press) — As the judge seeks answers regarding a last-minute material dump that the former president’s attorneys have stated has hindered their ability to prepare their defense, the New York hush-money criminal trial of Donald Trump was postponed on Friday until at least the middle of April.

After Trump’s attorneys argued that they had only recently begun obtaining more than 100,000 pages of records from a prior federal probe into the topic, Manhattan Judge Juan Manuel Merchan agreed to a 30-day postponement beginning on Friday and scheduled a hearing for March 25. The delay will begin on Friday.

The date chosen for the beginning of the trial was the 25th of March. As a result of the postponement, the trial would not begin any earlier than the 15th of April. A brief delay was something that the prosecution had stated they would not object to. In addition to requesting that the lawsuit be dismissed, the attorneys for Trump have asked for a delay of three months in the proceedings.

On Friday, the Trump campaign issued a statement in which they repeated their argument that the action “has no basis in law or fact, and should be dismissed immediately.”

In a letter that he sent on Friday, Merchan informed the Manhattan prosecutors and Trump’s defense team that he wanted to determine “who, if anyone, is at fault for the late production of the documents,” whether it was detrimental to either party, and whether any sanctions are needed.

In order to fulfill his request, the judge needed a timeline of events that included the dates on which the documents were requested and when they were delivered. In addition to this, he is seeking all of the contact that has taken place between the United States Attorney’s Office, which had previously examined the topic in 2018, and the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, which is currently prosecuting Trump.

The office of the district attorney in Manhattan said that they would not comment. Similarly, Trump’s attorney Todd Blanche declined to comment too.

It had been anticipated that the first of Trump’s four criminal indictments would be brought to trial, but Merchan’s decision threw that plan out of the window. He has argued that he should not be pushed into a courtroom while he should be on the campaign trial, and he has battled to delay all of his criminal proceedings. Trump is the presumptive frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024.

The challenge to the evidence was brought up by Trump’s legal team the previous week; but, their court petition was not made public until Thursday. The motion that they submitted had a number of requests. One of the things that they requested was a postponement of ninety days, which would extend the beginning of the trial into the early summer. Additionally, they requested that some witness testimony be excluded, and they requested that Trump’s accusations be dropped.

The prosecution stated that they were prepared to move on with the trial on March 25, but that they would be fine with a 30-day adjournment “in an abundance of caution and to ensure that the defendant has sufficient time to review the new materials.”

Merchan wrote, “The trial on this matter is adjourned for thirty days from the date of this letter on consent of the People,” alluding to the prosecution. “The trial will take place before the People.” The new trial date will be determined by the court, if it is necessary, when it makes a decision on the motion that the defendant submitted after the hearing.

The previous directive that Merchan issued, which stated that the parties, including Trump, should “not engage or otherwise enter into any commitment pending completion of this trial,” is still standing, according to Merchan.

The United States Attorney’s Office in Manhattan, which conducted the investigation into the hush money arrangement while Trump was in office, has provided the legal team representing Trump with tens of thousands of pages of evidence in the past two weeks, according to the attorneys for Trump.

The evidence includes information about Michael Cohen, a former attorney for Donald Trump who is now a witness for the prosecution. These papers are “exculpatory and favorable to the defense,” according to the attorneys for Donald Trump. Although some of the newly given over information are relevant, the majority of the material that has been turned over is “largely irrelevant to the subject matter of this case,” according to the prosecutors.

Cohen paid porn actor Stormy Daniels $130,000 during the 2016 presidential campaign in order to suppress her claims of an illicit sexual encounter with Trump years earlier. The charges that Trump distorted his company’s records in order to disguise the true nature of payments to Cohen are at the crux of the hush money case.

Additionally, Trump has denied having a sexual encounter with Daniels and has entered a not guilty plea to the 34 felony counts of falsifying company documents that were brought against him last year. It is the contention of his legal team that the payments made to Cohen were legitimate legal fees and did not constitute any kind of cover-up.

By knl9j

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